About Us
As the basic employment we consider maintenance of actions with qualitative service of sounding, tenancy of the sound equipment, planning of maintenance service of actions. For corporate actions, sports and other we can give also the decision of problems of illumination. For greater actions it is chosen in partners to cooperate with the leading light companies of Latvia.
Eiropas Skaņa Ltd. company is based in 2003. It was based by Victor Andreyev – long-term sound director on the Latvian TV.
Eiropas Skaņa Ltd. the basic command is formed by experts with the long experience in work with sound technics and technics of illumination on TV, and at the largest Latvian theatres. We involve also young experts for reception of experience and entering of a creative spark in daily work.
Since 2005 the basic technical kernel have chosen developed by young and qualitative manufacturer KV 2 AUDIO powered speakers and their systems which allow to provide high-quality sounding beginning from the small garden holidays and finishing with the actions visited with thousand people. And also we have selected produced by deserved a recognition all over the world firms DiGiCo, MIDAS sound boards.
Also as well as the company largest in Baltic states on tenancy of the sound equipment we appreciate a stable and long-term partnership instead of a short-term fast payment.